I am off and running on my fellowship with the Barack Obama campaign. The campaign has begun an initiative called the 'Obama Organizing Fellows' program, which is comprised of 3,600 activists from across the country, who will spend the next six weeks of their lives organizing for, and supporting the activities of, the Barack Obama campaign for president.
Here in New Mexico, there are just over 41 fellows, with a roughly even split of those native to the Land of Enchantment and those from as far away as Washington, D.C. and New England. After three days of initial training in Albuquerque (today, Monday, represents day three), we will deploy with out small groups (roughly ten folks) to specific regions of the state. My team will be based in Las Cruces and other areas around Southern New Mexico, including, but not limited to, Hobbs, Roswell, and Carlsbad. I'm particularly excited about the opportunity to organize for the Obama campaign in Las Cruces, given that I grew up there and feel I have a good understanding of the area's political dynamic, which will enable me to better support the Senator's efforts therein.
Our responsibilities as Obama Organizing Fellows are multi-faceted. Our top priority is to recruit, train, and retain volunteers. There is absolutely nothing more essential to the victory of the campaign in November then recruiting and training volunteers today, and that will be a key priority for Fellows in the days and weeks to come.
More immediately, our efforts center around voter registration. Each week, we'll work with our small groups to hit our 'numbers', that is quantifiable goals for the number of new voters we register, or folks who've recently moved to, or from another place within, New Mexico and now need to re-register (we will also work to reach 'number' goals in terms of the number of volunteers we recruit, as well as the number of volunteer 'shifts' we fill).
Also, one of our first projects as Fellows is organizing and then implementing to 'Obama Unite For Change House Parties', which are set for Saturday, 28 June. The goal of UFC House Parties is to bring together Obama supporters, former Clinton supporters now supporting Obama, independents, and even Republicans who are tired of their party's performance in the White House and like what they hear from Barack. At the meeting, we'll engage in a group discussion about the issues we feel most important in moving our country in the right direction, as well as specific things we can do to help elected Senator Obama in order to forge that better future we would all like to see.
Moreover, the parties will serve as an event for folks to commit to volunteering for the Obama Campaign and, more specifically, engaging in a voter registration drive in their community on the 4th of July. A critical responsibility of mine in organzing the UFC House Parties is recruiting a host that can bring in a dynamic, politically-engaged group of attendees whom would be likely to get out there and work for Senator Obama. Ideally, each meeting will have 20 participants, not including me or the host, but I would certainly like move that number up by at least 25 or, perhaps, 50, percent. I've already initiated the process of identifying and reaching out to hosts I think would be particularly dynamic. My top prospects are local elected officials, who, formerly, strongly backed the candidacy of Hillary Clinton.
As a supporter of Barack Obama, one of the most important efforts I think we need to engage in at this point as we court victory for the fall is reaching out to former Clinton supporters and beginning a discussion on all the things that unite us as progressive citizens. During the primary campaign, the media focused the bulk of its attention on the difference between Senators Obama and Clinton, but I, and most, know that there exists far more that connects these two leaders than divides then, and, in the form of the UFC House Parties, I believe an exciting opportunity presents itself to start the discussion of reconciliation between Obama and Clinton supporters across the country.
All told, I'm loving my fellowship experience thus far. Not only have I might an outstanding group of dynamic activists from all walks of life and a wide range of locales, but I also feel that my work as an organizer will be particularly important in an election that could turn on one or two states. With New Mexico representing one of the most critical swing states around, any efforts that increase the turnout for Senator Obama on Election Day stand to play a significant role in determining to whom the Land Of Enchantment's five electoral votes go. I, for one, plan to work with all my passion, intelligence, and exuberant flare for progress to see to it that our home is, for once, neither red, nor green on 04 November- on that day, I hope, we'll be solid blue.
1 comment:
Matt Reichbach at New Mexico FBIHOP and I have gotten together to launch a new version of our True Blue New Mexico project to raise funds for all our federal candidates. You can read about it here:
Any support you could give in terms of mentioning the effort would be much appreciated. We can also provide you with a logo badge of any size to use on your blog, myspace etc. Just let me know. Of course, you can also donate yourself if you are so inclined.
True Blue New Mexico in 2008!
Barbara Wold
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