Mandela Mauls Mugabe
Today, for the first time, former President of South Africa Nelson Mandela spoke out against the controversial actions of Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe. In his description of the crises, he talked about "the tragic failure of leadership" of Robert Mugabe. This adds to the calls of South African leaders to postpone the June 27th run-off due to the violence plaguing the campaign. Like many other leaders, Mandela has been tentative about speaking out against the violent campaign of Zanu-PF loyal militias against fellow Zimbabweans.
Once regarded as a hero of the struggle for independence in Africa, Robert Mugabe has ruled Zimbabwe much like a dictator. As his country has spun into turmoil, Mugabe has clung on to control, blaming colonialists like Britain for all of the problems even the hyperinflation that has destroyed the once booming economy of Zimbabwe. However, the international community seemingly has had enough. Virtually every nation is calling the election a sham, and nothing epitomizes this change of heart more than Britain's stripping of an honorary knighthood given to Mugabe.
Call me a cynic, but all I can think of when reading of various international condemnation of Mr. Mugabe is... what took so long?!?!? Where was Mr. Mandela when various leaders, including Morgan Tsvangirai and Tendai Biti, was arrested numerous times before the election? Why wasn't Mr. Mbeki more involved during the more than a month's time that passed before the "official" results were released? While the old saying goes "better late than never," I fear that the situation has spiraled too far out of control for the international community to control.
The Last Act of a Desperate Man
During his lifetime, Ralph Nader has led a distinguished career. He has been a fierce advocate for consumers' rights, a man standing up for ordinary citizens, and, less pleasantly, a spoiler. While I disagree with him on many counts, he has always been a respectable man. However, in recent years, he has become desperate for attention, doing anything for media spotlight. And today, Mr. Nader went after Barack Obama, accusing him of "talking white," meaning he has ignored issues pertaining to the African American community like predatory lending and the overall inequality in the U.S. economy.
What Mr. Nader fails to realize is that Obama has in fact talked about these issues. He has talked about the need to alert consumers of the risk involved in taking loans. If you don't believe me,, look it up at this location, or just remember his speeches dealing with these exact issues.
If Barack Obama has talked about the issues, then why would Ralph Nader need to distort his record? The answer is a hard pill for Mr. Nader to swallow. His campaign has failed to gain traction and he longs for the spotlight of his suprise campaign in 2000. His status in American politics is waning, as anti-establishmentarians are abandoning him for libertarians (in my mind, crazies) like Ron Paul and Bob Barr. And, with his rapidly decreasing stature, Mr. Nader, a once respected fighter, has stooped to the very level of politics he once fought against, and that is just deplorable.
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