Obama Picks up Superdelegates and Super Endorsement from Edwards:
Coming just hours after Hillary Clinton walloped him in West Virginia's Democratic Primary, Senator Barack Obama picked up the backing of two more superdelegates, closing further the gap between him and the coveted total of 2,026 (the total is one greater after a key Democratic victory in an open House seat race in Northern Mississippi- no, you didn't misread that; Dems. are even winning in Mississippi) delegates needed to secure the Democratic nomination for president.
However, the major political news of the day came earlier this evening when, in a surprise appearance alongside the Illinois Senator, former Senator and vice-presidential and presidential candidate John Edwards announced his endorsement of Obama. Speaking to a raucous and flabbergasted crowd of cheering supporters in the otherwise GOP stronghold of Grand Rapids, Edwards claimed that it was time for the Democratic Party to coalesce around a candidate capable of building the 'One America' Edwards touted so vociferously during his run for the White House.
Moreover, speaking largely to the disaffected Americans who've seen their lot suffer under seven-plus years of President Bush, many of whom include the blue-collar and working-class voters currently vexing the Obama campaign in terms of courtship, Edwards stated his belief that Obama's dedication to, and understanding of, the real problems facing ordinary problems makes him the right person for the job of president at this time.
While both candidates severely courted Edwards for an endorsement, some pundits wonder how much effect it will have at a point in the race when Obama has all but sewn up the nomination. Still, Edwards' backing is important in at least two regards. First, it injects a blast of enthusiasm and excitement into a campaign in the midst of a laborious and protracted nomination battle, which runs the risk of outlasting voters', at times, short attention spans. Secondly, it gives Obama street-cred from a true-blue populist Democrat in Edwards and says to those voters currently skeptical that he's got the goods on kitchen table issues, something on which the Clinton Campaign has repeatedly taken him to task. Edwards' endorsement is at once meaningful and exciting to this progressive blogger.
Shocking the Conscience and Boggling the Mind: Bush Seeks to Appease Iraq Victims and their Families by Giving Up...Golf?
I had a hard time believing it, but, during my drive home from school, as I tuned into 'Democracy Now', it was reported that President Bush, in an effort to show respect toward the continuing difficulty facing victims of U.S. fighting in Iraq and their families, will give up one of his favorite hobbies- golf. Now, I'm not one to get visibly perturbed or lose my cool often, however, this one nearly sent me through my sunroof.

Let's get into some real talk for a second. First off, few dispute that the job done by our brave young women and men in uniform has gone above and beyond the call of duty. Without adequate protection, serving extended tours of duty, and lacking bold and thoughtful civilian leadership, our military stewards have carried out every task assigned to them with braveness. Sure, there have been missteps, indeed their have been many, but, far and away, our soldiers deserve commendation, not the slap-in-the-face insult conjured up by President Bush' meaningless gesture. Rather than continue to hodge-podge and poke around the problem, Bush should display the true leadership that has so clearly missed his seven years in office and call for a serious change of course in Iraq before the American public does it for him this November.
Primary Heat in the Land of Enchantment- 03 June is Coming Quick
As I work through my morning rug at the Gallup Fitness Center, the only thing I seem to see lately during the brief intermissions before 'KOAT's Action 7 News Weather on the 7s' (which, by the end of my hour-long journey, I more than a half-dozen times...meteorologist Jason Stiff and I are good buds now) are campaign commercials decrying one candidate or speaking of the truly superhuman qualities of another. Sometimes, I tune in, other times, I don't. However, one things that invariably strikes me about these adds is how indicative they are that primary season in New Mexico is heating up. With that said, it's off to the races and a briefing on the current status of the key races, as they stand in the eyes of your humble blogger.
CD-3: Shendo Taking Flight?
As I blogged on Monday evening, the longshot candidacy of Benny Shendo, Jr., seems to be winning many new backers. As I drive to work in Navajo Nation, I can't miss the unmistakable signs of his 'Progressive Democrat' campaign and reflect to myself- 'wow, there's a candidate that's really doing things the right way'. Shendo has gone town to town, community to community, to spread his progressive message of hope, equality, and inclusion. I respect his fight, especially given the setback he faces in not possessing the financial ability to hang with better-financed candidates like front-runners Ben Ray Lujan and Don Wiviott on the airwaves.
The buzz is that Shendo's chances of scoring an upset win and capturing the Democratic nod in District 3 on 03 June remain slim, but he'll get my vote, as well as those of many others' truly committed to a progressive future for Northern New Mexico.
CD-2: Teague Bringing the Heat, Pressuring McCamley on All Fronts:
Some candidates lead with words- others let their actions do the talking. While Dona Ana County Commissioner and Democratic candidate for Congress Bill McCamley has traveled the vast expanse of New Mexico's 2nd District touting his progressive credentials and bashing the ties of opponent and former Lea County Commissioner Harry Teague to the oil and gas industry, Teague has quietly put up more miles on his vehicle, and more hands in his own, while traveling Southern New Mexico than his voiceful counterpart.

CD-1: Heinrich Jobless?
Martin Heinrich remains the Democratic front-runner in the Land of Enchantment's ever-closely contested 1st CD, but recent allegations that he's never held a real job and, if he did, failed to properly obtain a business license for it, has forced his campaign to answer some serious, and seriously uncomfortable, questions about the fitness of its candidate to lead.
Vastly underfunded and lacking a solid base, it is unlikely that any of Heinrich's primary opponents can mount the type of challenge necessary to knock him from the driver's seat. Still, his troubles on the issue of employment could come back to bite Heinrich in November, when he'll likely square-off with Bernalillo Sheriff Darren White, who enjoys widespread appeal amongst Republican and moderate Democrats alike. Will the Dems. let New Mexico's 1st slip through their hands again in 2008?
GOP Senate Primary Battle: Wilson and Pearce Getting Ugly
I must say that the vast majority of those early-morning political diatribes I view from my home atop the treadmill come either from the campaign of GOP Rep. Heather Wilson or Steve Pearce, her House colleague and opponent in the Republican primary to replace outgoing Senator Pete Domenici. Surrogates have also come into play, with national conservative value groups coming to the aid of Hobbs native and District 2 Rep. Pearce and more moderate voices backing Wilson, who proclaims her campaign to be that of a 'common sense conservative'.
Pearce has the polling edge and is backed by history that suggests that conservative candidates win Republican primaries in New Mexico, but his missteps in debates and sightings at campaign rallies nation-wide at which alarming comments on race have been made give pause to some Republicans concerned about his chances to defeat unopposed Democratic nominee Tom Udall.

Udall a Shoe-in?

Yes- in fact, disregard the above subsection. Udall's got this one in the bag!
Comin' at you with all the heat of a New Mexico summer sun, this is the New Mexico Progressive, your one-stop shop for the latest beat in progressive politics on the state, national, and international levels. Have a wonderful Thursday, and stop in again soon!
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